Learn about our mission, our history, when and where we serve our community and take a tour!
To love unconditionally by feeding people physically & spiritually. By spending time with them every week so that we can provide a safe and protected environment that they can flourish with food and faith. To serve with no agenda but love and accept people where they are. To add value to their lives by being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Formerly named, Mission U-Too Round Rock, LOVE SERVE FEED, has been serving hamburgers, hot dogs and hugs in our community since 2011!! Chas & Laurie Winckel are the Founders and they began this work after serving in Bastrop during the Bastrop fires. Thousands were displaced from their homes and living in hotel rooms, cars and with friends. As the fires kept burning for weeks, Chas and Laurie felt the call to help and they found Jonah Beyer with Mission U-Too. They served the Bastrop community, cooking, serving and delivering meals, praying for people and even helping people move. After that time ended, they were forever changed and felt the call to help those less fortunate (for various reasons) in their home-based area of Round Rock. They contacted RRISD and scheduled two trial lunch feeding runs in October and November 2011, which was advertised to families by the school. They got tremendous feedback and that is how it all began. At the writing of this post, it is almost 12 years later and we are still going strong.
Love Serve Feed is filled with many wonderful people who care about the community. Many have become good friends, and partner with us by serving on the board, becoming lead volunteers or regular volunteers who come and serve faithfully each week. We are not affiliated with any one particular church or organization, our goal is simply to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve those who are hurting in our world! People will come out to see us, not only for the food and the hugs, but because they feel loved and unjudged. Of course, we welcome everyone to join us every Saturday from noon-1 p.m.! We even have a place for kids to help (with parent supervision)! Come join us!
Hernandez Middle School
1901 Sunrise Dr.
Round Rock, TX 78664
Volunteers come from 11:00 a.m.-1:20 (ish) p.m.
Food Service is 12:oo noon-1:00 p.m. (However, sometimes we do start early!
Let us show you around!
Our Friends/ Partners:
There are many Central Texas area businesses who randomly donate to our meals. Not everyone will be listed here, but we are always very grateful!
Round Rock ISD
Kerby Clothing Ministry
1507 Merrelll Cove Round Rock, TX 78664 -
Phone - 512-797-0539 Front Porch
Clothing Drop off. Collecting clean, adults clothes - no animal hair or smoke, make up, toiletries. Donations are tax deductible...
Venmo-William-Kerby-3, Amazon Gift Registry. Like William Kerby Facebook Page